Hello, my name is Saverio Tomasella. I am a Psychoanalyst from France. As an Editor of Trauma and Acute Care, I would like to share some milestones about Trauma and Psychological Traumatism. It is important to distinguish these two words. Trauma is a Greek name which means injury. A traumatised person is wounded. Then, a psychological traumatism follows the shock. In fact, the trauma produces personal consequences, as deep anxiety, breakdown and repetitive nightmares. The persons are upset by the trauma. They must deal with the accident or the drama they lived, take it into account, understand it, overcome it, if possible, and live differently after it happened to them. So, a traumatism encompasses all these consequences and corresponds to a specific story one can, or could, tell about the drama. With the development of natural disasters as well as human disasters, we also need to differentiate a trauma from a catastrophe. A disaster leads to several traumas and grieves altogether...